- Dono della natura15
Teschio di cristallox15
Simlas Finn aep Dabairrx16
Eithné: giovane reginax15
Filavandrel aén Fidháilx19
Richiamo della forestax18
Consiglio di Isengrimx18
Rane in amorex11
Ciondolo prismaticox16
Sfera del discernimentox25
Raccolto copiosox24
Maga di Dol Blathannax24
Profetessa elficax24
Naiade: piccolax24
Carezza della driadex24
Naiade: custode dello stagnox2
frog mating season is OP with pendant.
pendant gives vitality to units up to that special card's provision
let's say you used orb on a unit while pendant is on the battlefield it will give extra 6 turns of vitality as Orb is 6provison.
normally most of the vitality is not used, as 6turns of vitality means you have to play 6turns to get full value.
but with each Frogs adjacent to that unit 1 vitality gets instantly boosted.
hence the idea is to play frogs with pendant. Also Filavandrel can create another frog if it he 7-powerd and played on melee row
to make it 7 power you can keep Filavandrel as the right/left most unit in you hand and play Harvests and select the right or left accordingly for Filavandrel's boosts. (Also be careful not to over boost Filavandrel) Though With 9-power Filavandrel can Create Call of forest/if you need that one..
Another way is to play all elves in earlier rounds. Leave only Filavandrel as the only elf and play Isengrim's council to get Filavandrel and Isengrim's counsil will automatically boost Filavandrel by 2 for the frog creation.
Mahakam Pass can be spammed with Dwims for 4 prov nature cards that will give 4turns of additinal vitality if played with pendant.
f you are going for big rounds for frogs don't keep Whisperer with frogs as they will fill the board