- 난폭한 광풍16
전술적 우위x110
거대 이프리트x12
게롤트: 이그니x14
쌍도끼 다구르x14
바다의 공포x12
사에르 콴x14
개코 하랄드x13
우달리크 안 브록바x16
헤이마에이 제관x110
안 크라이트 대검사x25
프레야의 축복x28
튀샤흐 참전용사x24
안 크라이트 롱쉽x24
난폭한 곰x24
디문 용병 해적x24
스발블로드 광신도x2
Reckless Flurry deck with which I've been having many successes in Wild Hunt seasonal mode.
Update 21.12.2019
Sigvald - haven't been impresed with him, lack of zeal is problematic
Harald - random damages from Harald's friends are too unreliable
Delirium - added for aditional reach against engines hidden behind defender, but foremostly as an option to combine with Flurry to counter 3 Damiens played on turn one.
Morkvarg: Hert of Terror - used him initially, and after removing him for some experiments I think he is worth to put back. Even tohugh sometimes he lacks a good target to use against, most of the time he pays off when combined with Dagur and Greatswords.
Those changes resulted in spare 1 provision point. At the moment I'm trying Hemdall instead of Olaf, but so far it's meh.
My usual strategy for R1 is to use mostly bronzes and some cheaper golds. Start with Corsair continue with Longship and set up bleeds and damages for Greatsword. Use Veterans, Svabold Fanatics and Saer Quan to jump ahead with points and force oponent to pass.
Against Damien and Strategic Withdrawal you want to muligan for Delirium (read update). If opponent plays Damien and does not withdraw him immediately, you use Flurry which results usually in GG. If opponent does not make the mistake and on turn one withdraws Damien, but plays it back afterwards you use Delirium on the row where 7pts Damin is and use Flurry to eliminate two others. If opponent plays more cautiously or has review spell, then you can't do much more than trying to outplay him on points.
In R2 if you have cards advantage you may want to try bleed opponent a little with Veterans or Saer Quan who unanswered is worth 23 pts.
For R3 you want to have Big Bears, Dagur and at least one Greatsword. If you don't have Greatswords you can keep Freya's Blessing to bring one copy from the graveyard. In most cases you want to play Dagur with Reckless Flurry on the same turn for boost. Ideally you will have also at least one Greatsword set up earlier. Try to not play all Greatswords and Dagurs in one row to minimize damages from eventuall Igni or Yrden.
Some other tips:
If your opponent is playing Cahir in R3 you probably want to answer him firstly, before using self boosting units. Eventually you may deal with him using Igni/Yrden on the last turn.
If you play against NR engines, and in round 1 they use mostly damaging units like Redanian Archers, use Veterans and Vildkarl with berserk to negate enemy's damaging potential.
You can setup your graveyard with Savage Bears and bring one with Freay's blessing if needed to get some immediate damaging potential in R3.
Colossal Ifrit can be quite useful against NR engines. You may consider playing it immediately against Vysogota if he was played combined with Pincer Maneuver behind the defender.
Stats from last 50 games: