- Niedźwiedzi rytuał16
Maska Uroborosax113
W Cieniu Gedyneithx14
Cerys an Craitex110
Sirocco z Korathx110
Geralt: Quenx18
Lugos Sinyx14
Harald Psia Gębax16
Ofiara dla Morzax16
Flaminika Heymaeyx15
Ofiara dla Freyix25
Straż Królowejx25
Tarczowniczka Drummondx25
Śpiewaczka Havfruex23
Kapłan Svalblodax27
Adept szkoły Niedźwiedziax27
Can change the stratagem. I used to discard a a card to get better card.
Gedyneith can play for some good points. Also can get heatwaved, good for Arnachad also vise versa.
Portal thin out hermit/adepts.
Cerys to thinout shieldmaidens for 15 point play also can be used to spawn queensguard if you have sheildmaiden in your hand. And we also run queensguards to bait out removals. If not removed we use one leader charge/harald's ping to spawn a queensguard each turn.
Heatwave is our artifact/tall removals.
Play Arnacgad from quen when adrenaline is active giving it a sheild. Hence, the next unit opponent will play will die instantly.
Offering to the sea is row punish (Great card to have). Also you can heal one of your row which was damaged by it through Flaminica.
Gerd is our other witcher. so be careful when you use quen. Only 4 other withcers in deck of which adepts are supposed to be thinned by Portals
Blueboy can be placed adjacent to priest, can use leader. Also singer can heal it when low health.
Harald can be used to trigger queensguard also it gets removed, opponts think we will be using it to ping the pals. well, don't ping the pals unless you don't have priest/pffering to the sea/hermit in your hand. That way you don't have to reduce your own points. other cards will do it for you for greater value.
Flaminica has great combo with healing arnaghad/row full of queensguard/ damaged units after using offering to the sea and singer will spawn a siren each turn you heal.
If you have singer in board play adept from hand and it will heal each turn and sirens will also spawn each turn. can make it a infinite loop placing a priest to the left when adept is still in damage stage.