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Card Details


The NaglfarWild Hunt

Look at 2 random gold cards from your deck, then play one and move the other back to the top of it.

Waves pummel the shore, waves pushed by the prow of the spectral Naglfar. Hemdall's horn rings in the air, and Hemdall stands facing his enemies atop Bifrost, the burning rainbow. The White Frost is nigh, nigh is the time of gale and storm…


The NaglfarWild Hunt

Look at 2 random gold cards from your deck, then play one and move the other back to the top of it.

Waves pummel the shore, waves pushed by the prow of the spectral Naglfar. Hemdall's horn rings in the air, and Hemdall stands facing his enemies atop Bifrost, the burning rainbow. The White Frost is nigh, nigh is the time of gale and storm…