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Card Details


Ale of the AncestorsAlchemy


Zeal. Order: Boost a unit by 3 and Infuse it with "38".

Cooldown: 2

Boros, the legendary founder of Clan Fuchs, died after overindulging in this beverage - he passed out while reaching for his golden ring, which had fallen into a brook.

Resilience: Status that allows a unit to remain on the battlefield at the end of the round, then disappears.
Note: Boost and Armor are not carried over to the next round.
Zeal: An Order ability can be used on the same turn the card is placed on the battlefield.
Order: An ability triggered manually by the player. Cards with Order cannot be used for 1 turn after being placed on the battlefield.
Infused: Status that adds effects or categories to a card. Removing the status also removes all added effects and categories. Lock disables Infused abilities.
Cooldown: The number of turns before an Order or Fee ability can be reused.


Ale of the AncestorsAlchemy


Zeal. Order: Boost a unit by 3 and Infuse it with "38".

Cooldown: 2

Boros, the legendary founder of Clan Fuchs, died after overindulging in this beverage - he passed out while reaching for his golden ring, which had fallen into a brook.