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Card Details


Patricidal Fury

Order: Spawn a Deafening Siren on an enemy row and damage it by 1.

Charges: 3

Once all Charges are used up, Spawn and play Arnjolf the Patricide.

This ability adds 15 provisions to your deck's provisions limit.


Arnjolf the Patricide

Human, Token, Warrior


Deploy: Spawn a Deafening Siren on the opposite row and damage it by 1.

We're after killin'. Nilfgaardians, Lyrians... 's all the same to us. Strife an' blood an' guts to wash away our shame.

Order: An ability triggered manually by the player. Cards with Order cannot be used for 1 turn after being placed on the battlefield.
Spawn: Add a card to the game.
Charge: The number of times an Order ability can be used. Only cards with Charge: X can gain additional Charges.


Patricidal Fury

Order: Spawn a Deafening Siren on an enemy row and damage it by 1.

Charges: 3

Once all Charges are used up, Spawn and play Arnjolf the Patricide.

This ability adds 15 provisions to your deck's provisions limit.

We're after killin'. Nilfgaardians, Lyrians... 's all the same to us. Strife an' blood an' guts to wash away our shame.