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Card Details



Ard Feainn Heavy CavalryHuman, Soldier


At the end of your turn, gain 1 Armor.

Ranged: When this unit reaches 5 Armor, move self to the Melee row.

Barricade (Melee): Whenever your opponent plays a unit on their side of the battlefield, lose all Armor and damage it by the same amount, then Lock self.

When Emhyr declared that his cavalry would stomp his enemies into the mud, we thought he was speaking metaphorically. We were wrong.

Flanking: If this unit is adjacent to only one card: on your Melee row, its end of turn ability is triggered twice; on your Ranged row, gain 1 Armor at the end of your turn.
Armor: Protects the unit from damage. This value doesn't count towards your score and/or the unit's power.
Ranged: This ability can only be used while on the ranged row.
Melee: This ability can only be used while on the melee row.
Barricade: Trigger this ability if the unit has armor.
Lock: Status that disables a unit's abilities.



Ard Feainn Heavy CavalryHuman, Soldier


At the end of your turn, gain 1 Armor.

Ranged: When this unit reaches 5 Armor, move self to the Melee row.

Barricade (Melee): Whenever your opponent plays a unit on their side of the battlefield, lose all Armor and damage it by the same amount, then Lock self.

When Emhyr declared that his cavalry would stomp his enemies into the mud, we thought he was speaking metaphorically. We were wrong.