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Card Details


Circle of LifeNature

Damage an enemy unit by 3, then boost a random non-Neutral unit in your hand by 2.

Deathblow: Boost a non-Neutral unit in your hand instead.

Those who want to destroy Brokilon, who try to burn its trees and kill all the living things in it, will soon enough become nourishment for its soil.

Deathblow: Trigger this ability if this card destroys a unit.


Circle of LifeNature

Damage an enemy unit by 3, then boost a random non-Neutral unit in your hand by 2.

Deathblow: Boost a non-Neutral unit in your hand instead.

Those who want to destroy Brokilon, who try to burn its trees and kill all the living things in it, will soon enough become nourishment for its soil.