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Card Details



Gezras of LeydaWitcher

Melee: At the end of your turn, move self to the Ranged row and boost a random allied unit on this row by 1.

Ranged: At the end of your turn, move self to the Melee row and damage a random enemy unit on the opposite row by 1.

Adrenaline 3: Instead of a random unit, affect all other units on that row instead.

“Take a contract from Aen Seidhe over a dh'oine any day, as you’re far less likely to receive a knife between the ribs in place of coin.” ⁠— Gezras

Melee: This ability can only be used while on the melee row.
Ranged: This ability can only be used while on the ranged row.
Adrenaline: Trigger this ability if you have specified number or fewer cards in your hand. Cards with Adrenaline are highlighted when their effect is stronger.



Gezras of LeydaWitcher

Melee: At the end of your turn, move self to the Ranged row and boost a random allied unit on this row by 1.

Ranged: At the end of your turn, move self to the Melee row and damage a random enemy unit on the opposite row by 1.

Adrenaline 3: Instead of a random unit, affect all other units on that row instead.

“Take a contract from Aen Seidhe over a dh'oine any day, as you’re far less likely to receive a knife between the ribs in place of coin.” ⁠— Gezras