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Card Details



Griffin Witcher AdeptWitcher


Order: Transform an allied Witcher into a base copy of Griffin Witcher Adept.

At Kaer Seren, students are afforded the luxury of choice when it comes to their final Trial. They either locate and retrieve a griffin’s egg, or recite the entirety of Liber Tenebrarum verbatim. To Old Keldar’s dismay, no one has ever chosen the latter.

Shield: Status that blocks the next instance of damage dealt to a unit.
Order: An ability triggered manually by the player. Cards with Order cannot be used for 1 turn after being placed on the battlefield.



Griffin Witcher AdeptWitcher


Order: Transform an allied Witcher into a base copy of Griffin Witcher Adept.

At Kaer Seren, students are afforded the luxury of choice when it comes to their final Trial. They either locate and retrieve a griffin’s egg, or recite the entirety of Liber Tenebrarum verbatim. To Old Keldar’s dismay, no one has ever chosen the latter.