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Card Details



Saskia: CommanderDragon, Soldier


Deploy: If you have at least 10 different primary categories in your starting deck, Summon a random bronze non-Neutral unit with a primary category that is not on your side of the battlefield from your deck to this row.

Timer 3: Repeat the Deploy ability and reset the Timer.

"We won't be fighting mere minions, but their King! And the King himself will have to recognize our victory! Could a soldier dream of better than defeating a monarch?"

Immunity: Status whereby this card cannot be manually targeted.
Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Summon: Move automatically to the battlefield (not considered played).
Timer: Before the end of your turn, lower the number by 1. When the number reaches 0, trigger the ability.



Saskia: CommanderDragon, Soldier


Deploy: If you have at least 10 different primary categories in your starting deck, Summon a random bronze non-Neutral unit with a primary category that is not on your side of the battlefield from your deck to this row.

Timer 3: Repeat the Deploy ability and reset the Timer.

"We won't be fighting mere minions, but their King! And the King himself will have to recognize our victory! Could a soldier dream of better than defeating a monarch?"