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Card Details



Sandor de BaccalàHuman, Agent

Deploy: Shuffle a card from your deck into your opponent's deck.

Order: Spawn a Drone at the bottom of your opponent's deck and set its power to the difference between the number of cards in the players' decks.

Whenever a card enters or leaves your opponent's deck, boost self by 1.

Having been denied a rightful tract of land by his duke of an uncle, Sandor set out to build his own duchy from the ground up, starting with the realm of seedy, bottom-shelf operations within the Imperial Military Intelligence best suited for fools and madmen...

Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Order: An ability triggered manually by the player. Cards with Order cannot be used for 1 turn after being placed on the battlefield.
Spawn: Add a card to the game.



Sandor de BaccalàHuman, Agent

Deploy: Shuffle a card from your deck into your opponent's deck.

Order: Spawn a Drone at the bottom of your opponent's deck and set its power to the difference between the number of cards in the players' decks.

Whenever a card enters or leaves your opponent's deck, boost self by 1.

Having been denied a rightful tract of land by his duke of an uncle, Sandor set out to build his own duchy from the ground up, starting with the realm of seedy, bottom-shelf operations within the Imperial Military Intelligence best suited for fools and madmen...