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Card Details



OtkellHuman, Warrior

Deploy (Ranged): Damage self down to 1, then play all copies of Freya's Blessing from your graveyard, and give them Doomed.

At the start of the game, increase own base power for each Alchemy in your starting deck.

In his hour of doom, All-mother Freya appeared to Otkell on his ship, and gave him the means to soothe the raging tempest, for she already knew that Otkell, like his brothers, had a greater tale to tell.

Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Ranged: This ability can only be used while on the ranged row.
Doomed: Status that removes the card from the game after it leaves the battlefield.



OtkellHuman, Warrior

Deploy (Ranged): Damage self down to 1, then play all copies of Freya's Blessing from your graveyard, and give them Doomed.

At the start of the game, increase own base power for each Alchemy in your starting deck.

In his hour of doom, All-mother Freya appeared to Otkell on his ship, and gave him the means to soothe the raging tempest, for she already knew that Otkell, like his brothers, had a greater tale to tell.