- Rassemblement18
Avantage tactiquex112
Nekker doréx19
Banque Vivaldix19
Dies Iraex18
Ciri : novax16
Igor le Crochetx16
Grand inquisiteur Helveedx16
Matta Hu'urix18
Flamme sacréex18
Bougie de conjurateurx15
Lieutenant von Herstx15
Alissa Hensonx12
Ferko le Sculpteurx16
Procession de pénitencex14
Chevalier déchux25
Oreilles indiscrètesx14
Ligne de créditx24
Champion solitairex13
Disciple du Feu Éternelx2
A Golden Nekker Firesworn deck.
After Helveed buff, I did many testing on cards in order to get the best version I could pull off. I never played Congregate before so this was new to me, I got baited by too many cards but managed to find a version I am satisfied with.
This is a swarm deck with a lot of thinning. Coin managment is tricky with Congregate, this is not Pirate's cove. You primary goal is swarm and board space managment, not coins. The gameplan is very flexible but, in general, you drop Fallens Knights, you try to make copies of it, you swarm board and/or you buff board.
The tricks are more about the combos you can do with this deck. With Alissa, you try to play double GN, and if your can't, double Damnation. You have to go to your library, type Firesworn, and then memorize your high value targets. Yo put it simple, 2 power is not the only value targets you can sacrifice, you've got good targets at 4,5,6,8 and 10 power of the unit sacrified. Giving you access to Firesworn units you wouldn't have normaly access in a GN deck. Damnation is Congregate's Golden Compass kinda.
Finaly, your sacrifice spells, plus Lonely Champion are your board space managment cards.
Never keep an artifact in hand, they are only three and doing double GN isn't that hard with this deck.
-1 Matta Hu'uri
-1 Lonely Champion
-1 Line of credit
+1 Firesworn Scribe
+1 Congregation
+1 Whoreson Senior
This ensure that Megascope and Igor don't brick, giving another target appart from Fallen Knights. Sacrifice spells are generaly enough for board space and Candle/Von Harst ensure your coins doesn't go to waste if you are board lock.
Senior is a very strong card and gives another anti-brick effect. We run enough crimes to get value and, while Matta is good for consistency, the fact we have Damnation as back up plan makes Alissa less risk to fail.