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Card Details




Deploy: Gain Vitality (5).

At the start of the round, while in your graveyard, Banish self, then Spawn Phoenix Hatchling on a random allied row.

Phoenix Hatchling



Zeal. Order: Transform into Phoenix.

What came first, the phoenix or the egg?

Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Vitality: Status that boosts this unit by 1 on its turn end. Note: Vitality turns can accumulate; 1 turn of Vitality cancels out 1 turn of Bleeding.
Banish: Remove from the game. Note: Does not count as being destroyed.
Spawn: Add a card to the game.




Deploy: Gain Vitality (5).

At the start of the round, while in your graveyard, Banish self, then Spawn Phoenix Hatchling on a random allied row.

What came first, the phoenix or the egg?