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Card Details


Treant Mantis: StalkTrap

Ambush: When your opponent plays a unit on their side of the battlefield, Poison it and transform self into Treant Mantis: Strike.

Spring: Transform into Treant Mantis: Strike.


Treant Mantis: Strike


No ability.

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Ambush: Played face down, then flips over when the ability's condition is met.
Poison: Status - if a unit receives two instances of Poison, destroy it.
Spring: Manual activation of a face-down Trap. Spring is activated automatically on a Trap played next to an Artifact. Cards with Spring are flipped over after use.


Treant Mantis: StalkTrap

Ambush: When your opponent plays a unit on their side of the battlefield, Poison it and transform self into Treant Mantis: Strike.

Spring: Transform into Treant Mantis: Strike.

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