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Card Details



Watcher of the ValleyElf, Mage, Soldier

Deploy: Give an enemy unit Bleeding equal to the amount of boost on this card.

Bonded: Damage it by that amount instead.

He notched his staff for every interloper who thought to try their luck. Soon, the notches, much like the intruders, could no longer be distinguished.

Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Bleeding: Status that damages the unit by 1 at the end of its turn. Note: Bleeding turns can accumulate, 1 turn of Bleeding cancels out 1 turn of Vitality. Bleeding ignores armor.
Bonded: Trigger this ability if you control a copy of this card.



Watcher of the ValleyElf, Mage, Soldier

Deploy: Give an enemy unit Bleeding equal to the amount of boost on this card.

Bonded: Damage it by that amount instead.

He notched his staff for every interloper who thought to try their luck. Soon, the notches, much like the intruders, could no longer be distinguished.