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Card Details


Witches' SabbathOrganic

Summon up to 3 highest-power units from your opponent's graveyard to an enemy row, then Summon as many highest-power non-Neutral units from your graveyard to the opposite row and give them Doomed.

For the sabbath, at least three witches are required. With two, it’s only a quarrel.

Summon: Move automatically to the battlefield (not considered played).
Doomed: Status that removes the card from the game after it leaves the battlefield.


Witches' SabbathOrganic

Summon up to 3 highest-power units from your opponent's graveyard to an enemy row, then Summon as many highest-power non-Neutral units from your graveyard to the opposite row and give them Doomed.

For the sabbath, at least three witches are required. With two, it’s only a quarrel.