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Card Details



Tyr: Slayer of YngvarHuman, Warrior


Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by the difference between its base and current power.

Deathblow: Gain Resilience.

While in hand or deck, evolve after you win a round.

His sword, forged in the fires of the deep, worthy of being wielded by a god, could crack the earth like lightning. And yet, only his were the hands capable of such artifice.

Doomed: Status that removes the card from the game after it leaves the battlefield.
Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Deathblow: Trigger this ability if this card destroys a unit.
Resilience: Status that allows a unit to remain on the battlefield at the end of the round, then disappears.
Note: Boost and Armor are not carried over to the next round.



Tyr: Slayer of YngvarHuman, Warrior


Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by the difference between its base and current power.

Deathblow: Gain Resilience.

While in hand or deck, evolve after you win a round.

His sword, forged in the fires of the deep, worthy of being wielded by a god, could crack the earth like lightning. And yet, only his were the hands capable of such artifice.