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Card Details



Redanian Secret ServiceHuman, Agent

Zeal. Order: Purify an allied unit.

If you do not control Redanian Secret Service, when an allied unit gains a status, Summon self from your deck to its row.

They say the aristocracy can sniff out a commoner among them. However, liberal application of alcohol and perfume can throw off the scent for long enough to strike up a conversation or two. Perhaps even gain their trust.

Zeal: An Order ability can be used on the same turn the card is placed on the battlefield.
Order: An ability triggered manually by the player. Cards with Order cannot be used for 1 turn after being placed on the battlefield.
Purify: Remove all statuses.
Summon: Move automatically to the battlefield (not considered played).



Redanian Secret ServiceHuman, Agent

Zeal. Order: Purify an allied unit.

If you do not control Redanian Secret Service, when an allied unit gains a status, Summon self from your deck to its row.

They say the aristocracy can sniff out a commoner among them. However, liberal application of alcohol and perfume can throw off the scent for long enough to strike up a conversation or two. Perhaps even gain their trust.