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Card Details



Henry var AttreHuman, Aristocrat

Deploy: If your opponent has not passed and their hand is not full, Create a legendary unit from your faction that was not in your starting deck, add it to your opponent's hand, move the rest to the bottom of your opponent's deck, then Create a legendary unit from your opponent's faction that was not in their starting deck, add it to your hand, put the rest on the bottom of your deck.

The line between diplomacy and espionage is a thin one, especially in Nilfgaard.

Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Create: Spawn one of three randomly selected cards from the specified source.



Henry var AttreHuman, Aristocrat

Deploy: If your opponent has not passed and their hand is not full, Create a legendary unit from your faction that was not in your starting deck, add it to your opponent's hand, move the rest to the bottom of your opponent's deck, then Create a legendary unit from your opponent's faction that was not in their starting deck, add it to your hand, put the rest on the bottom of your deck.

The line between diplomacy and espionage is a thin one, especially in Nilfgaard.