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Card Details


Magic Compass


Look at the top 3 cards in your deck. Play one, then move the rest to your graveyard. If there are fewer than 3 cards in your deck, Spawn and play a legendary card from your faction that was not in your starting deck instead.

Helps you find exactly what you need. Or what you think you need.

Echo: At the beginning of the round, move this card from the graveyard to the top of its owner's deck. Give it Doomed.
Spawn: Add a card to the game.


Magic Compass


Look at the top 3 cards in your deck. Play one, then move the rest to your graveyard. If there are fewer than 3 cards in your deck, Spawn and play a legendary card from your faction that was not in your starting deck instead.

Helps you find exactly what you need. Or what you think you need.