- Rage of the Sea15
Magic Lampx112
Blood Eaglex16
Harald an Craitex110
Svalblod Totemx18
Tyrggvi Tuirseachx15
Morkvarg: Heart of Terrorx14
Skjordal Drummondx17
Donar an Hindarx15
Herkja Drummondx16
Gigascorpion Decoctionx110
An Craite Greatswordx15
Stunning Blowx24
An Craite Raidersx15
Tuirseach Invaderx25
Drummond Berserkerx24
An Craite Warriorx14
An Craite Blacksmithx24
Drummond Villagerx2
The Master Mirror Gwent expansion is here! Skellige has multiple new powerful standalone cards which are perfect for a Midrange strategy. They also mostly happen to have the Warrior tag allowing for synergy there.
Harald the Cripple allows for great value in round 3, damaging for each warrior played. He also resurrects a warrior, allowing for Greatsword replayability and removing the need for the Crow Mother/Ermion Package. He causes problems for your opponent too as if they remove him he makes a great Second Wind target.
Tyrggvi gives fantastic reach in round 1, making it very difficult for your opponent to pass on you if they are going first. He is also an awesome option for Second Wind. Meanwhile Herkja is a solid engine option for her provisions especially in a longer round.
Skjordal and Harald are both mulligan targets, seeing lower value in Round 1. They can be target drawn with Blood Eagle if you have Deathblow so are easy to find again.
The bronze package has some very solid 4 provision options. Drummond Villager can be used together with a Veil unit such as Tuirseach Invader to apply bleeding to your opponent without a cost. Similarly the An Craite Blacksmith provides a boost for each warrior played. The Drummond Berserkers will damage your opponents, and then transform to 6 strength when they reach 2.
Ideally you want to win Round 1 so you have last say in Round 2 and can play a two card combo using Second Wind. A good option involves combing Harald and/or a Greatsword with Wild Boar of the Sea/Morkvarg/Hemdall. You want to set up some warriors in the graveyard in the first round, ideally playing Bronzes to win, with good ressurection targets to ensure the round. Depending on the matchup you have good tempo plays such as Svalblod Totem to bleed round 2 if necessary. Your short round is solid with cards like Skjordal, Skjall allowing for high points in few plays, whereas Harald, Herkja and Hemdall give you decent options for a long round.
This deck was built by Gravesh of Team Leviathan Gaming.
Team Leviathan Gaming - https://teamleviathangaming.com/
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