- Ursine Ritual16
Crystal Skullx14
Cerys an Craitex110
Korathi Heatwavex110
Geralt: Quenx18
Sigrdrifa's Ritex14
Harald Houndsnoutx16
Offering to the Seax16
Heymaey Flaminicax15
Freya's Blessingx25
Drummond Queensguardx25
Drummond Shieldmaidenx25
Havfrue Singerx23
Svalblod Priestx27
Bear Witcher Adeptx27
Melusine is the potential heatwave target. They will heatwave it beacause it spawns rain for 2 turns each turn when adjacent to cultist and it is a potential carry over for later rounds. Making Arnaghad free from dangers. you can place it between harald's pals that way you don't have to self damage the pals. Can place between Queensguard to spawn a queensguard, can place ti adjacent to bear witcher making it a 2point turn engine and so on. So, they will oviously heatwave it if they can.
Portal thin out hermit/adepts.
Cerys to thin-out shieldmaidens for 15 point play also can be used to spawn queensguard if you have sheildmaiden in your hand. And we also run queensguards to bait out removals. If not removed we use one leader charge/ Harald's ping to spawn a queensguard each turn.
Heatwave is our artifact/tall removals.
Play Arnaghad from quen when adrenaline is active giving it a shield. Hence, the next unit opponent will play will die instantly. If you can play shielded Arnaghad to the right of sukrus. any unit with power less or equal to 7 die. You can add mardrome to the deck to boost arnaghad to 16.
Sigrdrifa's rite is to bring melusine if it wasn't heatwaved/ bring sukrus/arnaghad. worst case scenerio bring a queensguard.
Offering to the sea is row punish (Great card to have). Also you can heal one of your row which was damaged by it through Flaminica.
Harald can be used to trigger queensguard also it gets removed, opponents think we will be using it to ping the pals. well, don't ping the pals unless you don't have priest/offering to the sea/hermit in your hand. That way you don't have to reduce your own points. other cards will do it for you for greater value.
Flaminica has great combo with healing arnaghad/row full of queensguard/ damaged units after using offering to the sea and singer will spawn a siren each turn you heal. will heal melusine and it's adjaject unit making it a 3 point per turn engine.
If you have singer in board play adept from hand and it will heal each turn and sirens will also spawn each turn. can make it a infinite loop placing a priest to the left when adept is still in damage stage.