- White Frost15
Crystal Skullx112
Tir ná Liax16
Auberon: Kingx11
Eredin Bréacc Glasx18
Imlerith's Wrathx18
The Naglfarx18
Ard Gaethx14
Winter Queenx12
Caranthir: Golden Childx14
Ancient Fogletx25
Red Ridersx24
Aen Elle Aristocratx21
Naglfar Crewx27
Aen Elle Conquerorx14
Wild Hunt Riderx23
Wild Hunt Warriorx23
Wild Hunt Navigatorx2
Thin whenever you can to play all your gold cards
This implies using Hunt Rider and winter queen round 1
If you try to keep winter queen for round 2 you might pull her which makes you lose one precious mulligan.
Naglfar should be used when queen is out and after geels to raise the chance to get the card you want plus ideally round 2 to be sure to play all your gold cards by the end of round 3
Round 1 hand should be one hunt rider, one aristocrat, one foglet and a lot of frost.
When you face heavy control such as skellige easy 8 damage point, you may replace aristrocrat (unless you're starting first because you would be able to boost aristocrat) by more frost and use foglet when you're sure it won't die next turn.
You usually end round 1 by having an aristrocrat on board with a folget and use Ard gaeth or spell red riders on both lane, it makes a lot of point and usually bait opponent into pass (then it is good for our tir na lia) or into card disadvantage (good for our Morvuud round 2/3)
Auberon round 2 should be used when there is already frost on board otherwise it's too much gambling
When you win and have used tir na lia the previous round, think if you should use its capacity immediately or permit yourself being it heatwaved by the opponent. Weigh the opportunity cost. What should be heatwaved if you accumulated a lot of frost? Your foglet, Eredin, caranthir or your tir na lia?
When you have 6 cards left, it's a good time to use Eredin for golden child to be stacked and use him as last card.
Auberon Round 3 can be used for aristocrat (to gain more frost and also move the opponent) for hunt rider if still not used or conqueror
Morvuud is good round 3 even round 2 if you think you can win. It's not rare to end my games with 2/0
I tried deck versions with Sabbath but it bricked too easily with either pulling both sabbath and wihspess in hand either with Naglfar. I advise that if you want to use sabbath with this deck (I still didn't have time to test with this deck but I suspect you might want to change the bronzes) use only Sabbath instead of Morvuud and without whispess.
I also tried to not get too many gold cards because of Naglfar
You may remove one Naglfar crew and put bruiser instead. It depends on what you're matching against most of the time.
How to use the spell Red riders:
When you have 3 frost or more with a navigator already on board, you should use the replay version
When you have one navigator and one foglet you should...(I will complete the rest tonight as I don't have the maths/sheet with me right now, I forgot the numbers haha)
When you have one navigator and two foglets you should...
When you have one navigator and one foglet and one aristrocrat...
When you have one navigator and two foglets and one aristocrat...