- Jackpot14
Tiger's Eyex13
Madam Marquise Serenityx113
One Night at the Passiflorax113
King of Beggarsx16
Captain Yagox19
Royal Decreex18
Conjurer's Candlex16
Adriano the Minkx14
Saul de Navarettex15
Hvitr and Aelydiax14
Shady Vendorx15
Sly Seductressx14
Eventide Plunderx24
Sewer Raidersx24
Tax Collectorx24
Sea Jackalx24
Passiflora Peachesx24
Salamandra Lackeyx12
Street Urchinsx2
I used it to climb to Pro this season.
Deck is based on one that was popular about half + year ago.
I decided to update and include a third threat in the form of Passiflora Location/vibe for fun. It's relatively simple to play if you are familiar with the faction.
Round 1 - you look to get Madam and play it as a threat, that can force opponent removal or overcommit. She gets you coins if they play cards and with 2 other engines can contest or get you easier r1 win if you go first.
The tricky part is sometime you'd need to have coins generated before hand to play her and of course not brick one of the cards she gets out of your deck. Playing Novigrad as a starter is good opening if you do that and are going 2nd in round 1.
If things go fine after Madam is played add few more engines like - Saul, Hvitr, Tax collectors Peaches. At this point and with Madam on board generating and boosting itself (if you are at 9 coins due leader ability) it's hard to catch up. Be careful of overcommitting. It's a fine line you have to find yourself - how much and how many things you want out. How to use the spenders and keep your coins at 9, or keep active the other engines that require hoarding. Don't be afraid to get Beggars out after Madam either with Adriano or Vendor.
Alternatively might want to go with Passiflora as well, but have to be mindful of the amount of Blindeyes you have in hand to activate the chapters. Adriano is preferable combination with Passiflora start.
Worst case you'd have to commit both Madam and Passiflora. Depends. Thin as much as you can.
Round 2 - you most often try to bleed as much as you can preferably till 1 card (if that card Is Yago). If it ends in your favor - you are ahead or know/feel opponent doesn't have big tall punish/es or other answers - go for Yago finisher right there. Otherwise Bleed as much as you can while the threat of Yago reach is still there.
Look to put Candle or Novigrad on board as threat and carryover - one as spender and the other as coin generator - it's great if you keep em active from round 2 to round 3.
Round 3 - preferably you want it to be short and finish with Yago and some spenders, spreading the coins evenly between them. Candle and Novigrad (potentially if lucky with unit) are 2 locations good to be kept as they are and played in round 2 as carryover for round 3.
You finish with Yago - preferably with 9 coins in bank before hand. You use spenders and Candle to spread points between units to 0, use leader and do the same, play Yago - to get all the coins spent and boosting Yago with over profit. Spent the last remaining coins.
There isn't much to any control in the deck - Vendor can get you damage spell if played on back roll and Hvitr does 2 dmg per turn randomly if active. So you are basically relying on your engine power. Heavy control deck are hard to beat. Some engine decks are outputting more points as well. Your sweet spot is sort of in the middle. Where you can have a few cards and bleed your opponent for either round 2 or 3 Yago finisher. That doesn't mean you can't fight off with your engines and in some rare cases win long rounds, but it's hard. Experiment.
Thanks for reading and have fun!