- Invigorate17
Tactical Advantagex112
Golden Nekkerx19
Ring of Favorx18
Ciri: Novax15
Triss: Butterfliesx14
Sheldon Skaggsx15
Mastercrafted Spearx15
Hawker Smugglerx15
Bountiful Harvestx25
Sorceress of Dol Blathannax24
Vial of Forbidden Knowledgex14
Circle of Lifex23
Hawker Supportx2
Hello, I wanted to make an Aglais deck, so here it is. I have been getting just about 80% winrate with this deck at low pro rank (2400 - 2450) so there's that.
I decided to make a Golden Nekker deck, so Ciri Nova is auto include.
Thunderbolts and Vial of Forbidden Knowledge are the cheap artifacts that you are going to pull from Golden Nekker. You can either use them to play no unit R3 or to protect Hawker Smuggler.
Hawker Smuggler, Hawker Support, Dunca, Bountiful Harvest, Circle of Life are just handbuff package. No explanations needed there.
Imo, the most important part in playing Aglais deck is R1. You really really want to win R1 since you don't want to give your opponent 40 point Heatwave to Aglais at the end. Which means you want to commit something midrange and pointslam in R1. Also, the more I played Aglais deck, the more I realized that I want more control cards to kill off opponent's engines.
Which is why Unicorn+Chironex combo, Milaen, Ring of Favor are here. And I also replaced 1 Hawker Smuggler to Mastercrafted Spear to kill Fleder, Pig Witch, Self Eater, Hamadryad, and all these 6-ish power engines.
I especially like Ring of Favor card in this deck. It is an incredible pointslam card that helps you win R1. Also, your opponent will always try to play long R1 because you are playing an obvious Aglais deck. So you almost always get a huge Ring of Favor to catch up points.
Triss Butterfly is to find either Aglais, Sheldon, Chironex, Unicorn, or Ciri Nova. I personally prefer Triss Butterfly to Royal Decree in this deck because you want most of these cards in your hand, and not play them immediately. Handbuff decks are so bad when you draw all the handbuff cards but have no Aglais or Sheldon in hand.
This deck is generally very consistent. Your starting hand has 2 cards fixed (Torque and Ring of Favor), and Knicker and Triss help you draw all the cards.
You want a long R1 and a short R3 with last say. But, if your opponent is playing a devotion deck, then it is possible that they don't have a very flexible tall punish. In that case, pushing R2 is better than having the last say in R3. Try to identify your opponent's deck and always be mindful of Geralt, Eskel, Heatwave, Imlerith Wrath, etc.