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Card Details


Temple of Melitele: CongregationLocation

Doomed. Immunity. Resilience.

Deploy: Create a legendary unit from your faction that is not in your starting deck 3 times, then shuffle them into your deck.

Order: Draw a unit of your choice and boost it by your hand size, then shuffle a card back into your deck.

While in hand or deck, evolve after you win a round.

Here in Ellander, mistaking our girls' vows of silence for tacit approval will get your arse tanned right quick.

Doomed: Status that removes the card from the game after it leaves the battlefield.
Immunity: Status whereby this card cannot be manually targeted.
Resilience: Status that allows a unit to remain on the battlefield at the end of the round, then disappears.
Note: Boost and Armor are not carried over to the next round.
Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Create: Spawn one of three randomly selected cards from the specified source.
Order: An ability triggered manually by the player. Cards with Order cannot be used for 1 turn after being placed on the battlefield.


Temple of Melitele: CongregationLocation

Doomed. Immunity. Resilience.

Deploy: Create a legendary unit from your faction that is not in your starting deck 3 times, then shuffle them into your deck.

Order: Draw a unit of your choice and boost it by your hand size, then shuffle a card back into your deck.

While in hand or deck, evolve after you win a round.

Here in Ellander, mistaking our girls' vows of silence for tacit approval will get your arse tanned right quick.