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Card Details


Blood Money

Order: Damage an enemy unit by 6, then gain Coins equal to any excess damage dealt.

Whenever an enemy unit with Bounty is destroyed, increase the damage by 1. If the Order is used up, refresh it and set its damage to 1 instead.

This ability adds 15 provisions to your deck's provisions limit.

A war with Whoreson will see Novigrad's gutters run red with blood.

Order: An ability triggered manually by the player. Cards with Order cannot be used for 1 turn after being placed on the battlefield.
Coin: The Novigradian underworld's currency of choice for paying Fees and Tributes. You may possess a maximum of 9 Coins. Your Coin-count is reduced by half (rounded down) when carried over into the next round.
Bounty: When a unit with this status is destroyed or banished, opponent gains coins equal to its base power. There can be only one unit with Bounty status on each side of the board at given time.


Blood Money

Order: Damage an enemy unit by 6, then gain Coins equal to any excess damage dealt.

Whenever an enemy unit with Bounty is destroyed, increase the damage by 1. If the Order is used up, refresh it and set its damage to 1 instead.

This ability adds 15 provisions to your deck's provisions limit.

A war with Whoreson will see Novigrad's gutters run red with blood.