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Card Details




Knight-ErrantHuman, Knight

At the end of your turn, boost self by 1 for each adjacent boosted unit and damage self by 1 for each adjacent damaged unit.

Grace 9: Give adjacent units Shield, then Infuse them with "Whenever this unit loses Shield, boost it by 2".

Traversing the fine line between idiom and idiot.

Grace: The first time this unit's power is equal to or higher than the specified amount, trigger the ability. If the condition is already met when it enters the battlefield, trigger it immediately.
Shield: Status that blocks the next instance of damage dealt to a unit.
Infused: Status that adds effects or categories to a card. Removing the status also removes all added effects and categories. Lock disables Infused abilities.




Knight-ErrantHuman, Knight

At the end of your turn, boost self by 1 for each adjacent boosted unit and damage self by 1 for each adjacent damaged unit.

Grace 9: Give adjacent units Shield, then Infuse them with "Whenever this unit loses Shield, boost it by 2".

Traversing the fine line between idiom and idiot.