The GWENT Winter Holiday starts today and it will run until January 5th, 2021.
During this time you'll be able to earn additional Meteorite Powder by daily login, completing daily quests or simply winning games!
The event introduces a brand new Rewards Book page, where you can spend Meteorite Powder to unlock unique, winter-themed ornaments such as: cardbacks, borders, avatars and player titles.
What’s more, each week of the event, special game modes will return for a limited time, including:
Dual Casting - Once per turn, when you play a special card, spawn and play a copy of it immediately after.
Plus One - Whenever you play a unit, spawn a 1-power copy of it at the end of its row.
Momentum - Whenever a unit is damaged by another unit or itself, give the damaged unit Bleeding with a duration equal to the damage amount.
Whenever a unit is boosted by another unit or itself, give the boosted unit Vitality with a duration equal to the boost amount.
and fan-favorite Battle Rush - Both players have just 8 seconds to complete their turn and 15 seconds to complete the redrawing phrase.
To celebrate the event, the in-game store will be updated with unique, time-limited offers. These will include bundles containing Ultimate Premium Kegs, Meteorite Powder as well as special, winter-themed ornaments: borders, avatars, player titles and a special Grandfather Frost leader skin for Ardal aep Dahy.